Announcing the new Certification Program, run by the Certification SIG. Read More

加入 AlmaLinux OS Foundation

说出你的想法! 加入 AlmaLinux Foundation 成为会员或赞助。 拥有并投票决定AlmaLinux OS的未来!

AlmaLinux基金会是AlmaLinux OS背后的实体,AlmaLinux OS是一款永久免费的 enterprise 级 Linux 发行版。 作为会员,您将有权参与项目方向的决策,并且可以投票选举董事会成员,也可以被其他会员投票选入董事会。 成为会员有多种途径,包括项目贡献者、镜像维护者/赞助商以及为社区提供服务的人员,还包括项目的官方赞助商。

The acceptance of each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the 成员委员会 , in accordance with the Bylaws established by the Board.

会员准则 可在此处获得

加入 AlmaLinux OS Foundation
资格anyone approved as a contributing member by membership committee based on their contribution to AlmaLinux
Termre-qualified annually
  • listing on our website in a contributing member list
  • contributing member AlmaLinux logo
  • 1 vote for a board seat
资格被技术委员会接受为 AlmaLinux 镜像
Termas long as mirror is operational
BenefitsAll contributor membership benefits and
  • Listing as an official AlmaLinux mirror
  • 官方AlmaLinux镜像 logo
Silver MembershipGold MembershipPlatinum Membership
所有的 Silver membership 好处,还有……所有的 Gold membership 好处,还有……
Voting benefitsa potential seat on the board of directors
  • Opportunity to nominate someone for election to the board of directors
  • 5 votes for each open board seat
a potential seat on the board of directors
  • Opportunity to nominate someone for election to the board of directors
  • 15 votes for each open board seat
a potential seat on the board of directors
  • Opportunity to nominate someone for election to the board of directors
  • 50 votes for each open board seat
Marketing Benefits
  • Your company logo on AlmaLinux website (in one section/category of the website only)
  • Have your company's events featured on our community calendar
  • Exposure through new Silver member group press releases with social media promotion
  • AlmaLinux member logo on your site
  • Inclusion in a round-up of new members
  • Priority access to sponsorship at any AlmaLinux organized events
  • Your company logo on AlmaLinux website in up two sections/categories
  • 1 sponsored webinar per year1
  • four sponsored blog posts per year1
  • AlmaLinux will assist in promoting your appropriate social media for Linux-related content (e.g. tweets and retweets)1
  • Membership launch blog announcing your Gold/Platinum membership
  • Your company logo on AlmaLinux website in up three sections/categories
  • 2 sponsored webinars per year1
  • Dedicated press release announcing membership
Additional Benefits
  • Direct access to AlmaLinux executives and staff to help with consultation, planning, and engagement opportunities, including advance information on upcoming announcements and projects
Fees (Annual)$2,500$20,000$100,000
Alternative contributionper membership committee confirmation: Any contribution of hardware or services based on board approvalper board of directors confirmation:
  • One dedicated FTE working on AlmaLinux
  • or
  • annual service credits or hardware donation valued at $20,000 or more
per board of directors confirmation:
  • Three dedicated FTE working on AlmaLinux


任何使用 AlmaLinux OS、为 AlmaLinux OS 做出贡献、为 AlmaLinux OS 社区提供服务或以其他方式支持 AlmaLinux OS 的人的个人申请。


An individual or entity that provides the project with mirror(s) for content distribution. Only one member application per individual or entity will be accepted, irrespective of contributed number of mirrors.



你有与会员有关的问题吗? 联系我们.
benny Vasquez
benny Vasquez
Chair, Board of Directors
AlmaLinux OS Foundation
Jack Aboutboul
Jack Aboutboul
AlmaLinux OS Community Manager
Microsoft, Inc
Jesse Asklund
Jesse Asklund
Global head of Customer Experience
Simon Phipps
Simon Phipps
open source advocate and a former president of the Open Source Initiative
AlmaLinux OS Logo
Moshe Bar
Codenotary Inc.
Daniel Pearson
Daniel Pearson
Jun Yoshida
Jun Yoshida
Corporate Officer
Cybertrust Japan
Alex Iribarren
Alex Iribarren
Penguin Wrangler and Cloud Watcher
David Snead
David Snead
General Counsel
Non-voting Invited Expert
