AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHEL®, and guided and built by the community.
As a standalone, completely free OS, AlmaLinux OS enjoys $1M in annual sponsorship from CloudLinux Inc. and support from more than 25 other sponsors. Ongoing development efforts are governed by the members of the community.
AlmaLinux OS基金会是一个 501(c)(6) 非营利组织,旨在为 AlmaLinux OS社区带来利益。
AlmaLinux 面向云服务商的官方镜像:
Amazon AWS
Generic Cloud
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
AlmaLinux 提供官方的 OCI、Docker 和 UBI 兼容映像。
获取 Docker 镜像
从 获取 OCI 镜像
Get OCI Image from GitHub
AlmaLinux 为 GNOME、GNOME Mini、KDE、XFCE 和 MATE 构建了 LiveCD 镜像。
获取 LiveCD
AlmaLinux 为 Vagrant 提供的官方镜像:
可用于 LXC/LXD 的 AlmaLinux 镜像。
AlmaLinux 构建了 Raspberry Pi 镜像,并使用 GNOME 桌面环境。
获取 Raspberry Pi 镜像
在 Windows 上运行 AlmaLinux 终端环境。
获取适用于 WSL 的 AlmaLinux
AlmaLinux OS Foundation publishes Errata to help users to determine what updates such as security issues and fixed bugs are available and their importance based on analysis.
AlmaLinux OS provides SCAP and SCAP Workbench packages to audit your AlmaLinux system for security compliance alongside OVAL streams.
AlmaLinux OS has implemented SBOM into AlmaLinux Build System to make the build process more secure and possible to trace.
AlmaLinux OS provides a set of security features: Errata, GPG keys, Mailing Lists, OpenSCAP, OVAL, SBOM, and Secure Boot- read more.
AlmaLinux OS 是一个企业级服务器操作系统和一个稳定的 Linux 发行版,定期发布,支持周期很长。 您可以依靠 AlmaLinux OS 来运行任何关键工作负载。
AlmaLinux OS 基金会成员、赞助商和合作伙伴通过投资和长期支持承诺支持 AlmaLinux OS,以确保分发不受限制、费用和收费。
切换发行版通常既费钱又费时,但从 CentOS 和其他 RHEL® 衍生版本切换到 AlmaLinux 操作系统时,情况就不是这样了。 一键切换 - 阅读指南.
Minimize your risk while getting the most out of your AlmaLinux systems
Platinum Sponsor
Cybertrust Japan is a provider of a comprehensive security certification services to various public and private entities globally, and offers comprehensive support for AlmaLinux users. Have also produced MIRACLE LINUX for nearly 20 years.
Platinum Sponsor, Founder
TuxCare, a division of CloudLinux Inc., the founding sponsor of the AlmaLinux OS Project, provides tailored support for projects of any complexity. Enhance the performance, security, and reliability of your workloads with extended updates, seamless FIPS compliance, and flexible pay-as-you-go technical support bundles.