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ELevate 배포

The migration paths when using ELevate


Fixing Major Version Upgrades

With ELevate you can easily upgrade in-place from CentOS 6.x or 7.x to 8.x of the Enterprise Linux of your choice, or upgrade from 8.x to 9.x within the same OS. Used all over the world to upgrade more than 500,00 devices, ELevate is your answer to the headache of upgrading your operating system in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem. Preserve your applications, your data, and your sanity. Run the most recent version of the OS you and software you need. Run a modern and secure operating system, without having to reconfigure or rebuild the software you need.

This looks awesome! How do I get involved?

먼저 우리와 함께 ~migration Mattermost 채널. You can find the LEAPP code in the AlmaLinux GitHub organization. You can find the LEAPP code in the AlmaLinux GitHub organization.

커뮤니티 전체 프로젝트

ELevate는 배포에 구애받지 않는 방식으로 개발되었으며 AlmaLinux뿐만 아니라 전체 생태계를 위한 도구로 구축되었습니다. The enterprise linux ecosystem is a very large and diverse community, and we have developed this project in good faith as members of that ecosystem. We hope that everyone in the community can use and contribute to ELevate, no matter which distro you prefer. That is the open source way.

Learn more

This demo takes you through upgrading in place from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8

Lots of people have shared their experiences and guides for using ELevate to upgrade in place. Take a look at what others think of it!

We also offer a number of guides to take you through the process of getting updated, from different perspectives.

Supported Operating Systems

The migration paths when using ELevate
ELevate supports the following upgrade and migration paths:
  • Upgrade from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7
  • Upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8, CentOS Stream 8, Oracle Linux 8, or Rocky Linux 8
  • Upgrade from Scientific Linux 7 to AlmaLinux 8
  • Upgrade from 8.x to 9.x within the same distribution
* Migration to Oracle Linux 9 is available with the Oracle Leapp utility ELevate 프로젝트에서 지원하지 않습니다.
* 참고: cPanel을 사용하는 경우 다음을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. cPanel ELevate 포크.

Answers to Frequent Questions

ELevate is a project aimed to provide the ability to upgrade between major versions of RHEL-based distributions. First announced by AlmaLinux in 2021, ELevate combines two key components: updates to the open source LEAPP project and a data library called leapp-data. These together allow users to upgrade in-place from an unsupported operating system to a modern operating system, and then from 8 to 9 of that operating system.

Individuals and organizations that require an enterprise-grade linux distribution, without the need for a commercial license agreement. AlmaLinux OS is also a perfect replacement for anyone who has historically relied on the CentOS Linux releases to achieve computing objectives, and for whom CentOS Stream is not the right solution.

ELevate는 업계와 전 세계의 프로덕션 환경을 마이그레이션하는 데 사용되었지만 여전히 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 모든 환경은 애플리케이션과 구성에 따라 다르고 고유합니다. 예상하지 못한 상황을 방지하려면 프로덕션 환경에서 업그레이드를 실행하기 전에 가상 머신이나 샌드박스에서 업그레이드 시나리오를 테스트하는 것이 좋습니다.

Yes, and yes! All your data, applications and settings will be kept. Migrations will require your system to reboot twice.

우리 기여자들은 오랫동안 RHEL 생태계의 일부였으며 CentOS 생태계가 매우 크고 다양한 커뮤니티임을 인식했습니다. 어떤 배포판을 선호하든 관계없이 커뮤니티의 모든 사람이 사용하고 기여할 수 있기를 바라며 이 프로젝트를 성실하게 개발했습니다. 그것이 오픈 소스 방식입니다.

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