With ELevate you can easily upgrade in-place from CentOS 6.x or 7.x to 8.x of the Enterprise Linux of your choice, or upgrade from 8.x to 9.x within the same OS. Used all over the world to upgrade more than 500,00 devices, ELevate is your answer to the headache of upgrading your operating system in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem. Preserve your applications, your data, and your sanity. Run the most recent version of the OS you and software you need. Run a modern and secure operating system, without having to reconfigure or rebuild the software you need.
まずは、このチャンネルに参加してください。 ~migration Mattermost チャンネル。 LEAPP のコードはこちらで確認できます AlmaLinux GitHub organization。 LEAPP のコードはこちらで確認できます AlmaLinux GitHub organization。
ELevate はディストリビューションにとらわれない方法で開発されており、AlmaLinux だけでなく、エコシステム全体のためのツールとして構築されています。 The enterprise linux ecosystem is a very large and diverse community, and we have developed this project in good faith as members of that ecosystem. We hope that everyone in the community can use and contribute to ELevate, no matter which distro you prefer. That is the open source way.
This demo takes you through upgrading in place from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8
Lots of people have shared their experiences and guides for using ELevate to upgrade in place. Take a look at what others think of it!
We also offer a number of guides to take you through the process of getting updated, from different perspectives.