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Hardware Certification

Part of the AlmaLinux Certification Program

The AlmaLinux Hardware Certification Program ensures hardware compatibility and promotes OS adoption through community-first, flexible certification types. The process is built just like AlmaLinux: with focus on long-term reliability and performance.

Compatibility you can trust for performance, reliability, and stability

For consumers

Ensuring that hardware is fully compatible with chosen operating systems is critical for all users. Whether running a home server, a desktop, or an HPC cluster, compatibility issues can lead to system instability or performance degradation. The AlmaLinux certification program ensures you know what hardware you can rely on for your AlmaLinux environment.

Confirm Compatibility

The full list of certified hardware is available for you to see in the Ecosystem Catalog. If your hardware isn't listed yet, join the Certification SIG chat room to ask about it, or submit a request! You can also find our entire our open source certification suite on GitHub

For hardware providers

Proving hardware reliability is incredibly important for producers of some of the most powerful hardware in the world. The AlmaLinux Certification SIG has partnered with some of the biggest hardware providers in the world for the painless process of getting certified.

Test your hardware

Start the processes to get hardware certified by clicking below, or take a look at our open source certification suite on GitHub

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