Since our inception just a few months ago, there has been a lot of exciting news coming out of ALESCo. Whether you’ve been following along via the minutes, or attending the meetings yourself, or engaging in our chat, we are so humbled by the excitement around what we’re doing.
Tomorrow, Oct 24th at 10am eastern US time (Rescheduled) November 12th at 12pm Eastern US time, we’re hosting a digital meetup. We’ll be hanging out, ready to answer questions or just talk shop. Not all of our members will be able to make it, but we’ll have a good cross-section of the SIGs present, as well as our board chair.
Oct 24th(Rescheduled) November 14th at 12pm Eastern US time- Online on Jitsi
- The link to the meetup will be sent out an hour before the event automatically. You can register for the event, or just join the ~ALESCo room on chat.almalinux.org and watch for us to share it.
- If you can’t make it but would like to ask a question submit it before the event here: https://forms.gle/21dAedZmHvhaM8ot5
We’ll also record the meetup so that we can post it later on our Youtube channel.
Looking forward to chatting with you all!