The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is a US-based non-profit that stewards the AlmaLinux project and allows anyone to join! انضم الي AlmaLinux OS Foundation as an individual member or Sponsor member, and own a vote in shaping the future of AlmaLinux OS!
Membership levels and benefits are described below.
An individual application for anyone who uses AlmaLinux OS, contributes to AlmaLinux OS, provides services to the AlmaLinux OS community, or otherwise supports the AlmaLinux Project.
فرد أو كيان يزود المشروع بمرآة (مرايا) لتوزيع المحتوى. سيتم قبول طلب عضو واحد فقط لكل فرد أو كيان، بغض النظر عن عدد المرايا المساهمة.
Ideal for companies or organizations who want to support the AlmaLinux project. These non-profit organizations and companies contribute funding or resources to the project, and receive benefits from the foundation for that support.
The AlmaLinux OS Foundation's membership structure is intentionally permissive, because it is important for us that anyone who has a stake in the future of AlmaLinux is allowed to have a voice in the future of AlmaLinux. Whether you join as a sponsor member or an individual contributor or a mirror host, your support of AlmaLinux and your opinion deserves to be heard.
Membership of the foundation is determined and managed by the Membership Committee. The membership committee meets regularly to review applications and welcome new members to the foundation. The qualifications for each type of membership are below. If you have any intersest in joining the membership committee, reach out to the committee directly via email! Email the membership committee
All of the information below is pulled directly from where it was defined in the AlmaLinux OS Foundation ByLaws, and the expanded membership document adopted by the board of directors in April of 2024.
Contributor membership is perfect for any individual contributor to the AlmaLinux project or user of AlmaLinux who wishes to support the AlmaLinux OS Foundation by joining.
anyone approved as a contributing member by membership committee based on their contribution to the AlmaLinux project
يتم إعادة تأهيله سنويًا
Mirror membership is specifically for those who support AlmaLinux by hosting any one of the devices in our our 400+ mirror network.
acceptance as AlmaLinux mirror by the infrastructure SIG, and approval by the membership committee
as long as the mirror is operational, reviewed annually
For an independent open source project, maintaining funding through a variety of sponsor members is key to our ability to remain impartial, and is key to our long-term goal of achieving 501(c)(3) status. We remain grateful to our entire community for their support, and are especially grateful for the sponsor members who support the project with funds or resources that are critical to helping us keep up with our explosive growth.
Each of the sponsor memberships are renewed annually, and require the approval of the membership committee.
Membership fees are charged annually on the date of your membership acceptance. All in-kind sponsorships require approval of the board of directors in addition to the membership committee.
Platinum membership is a our highest tier and is tailor-made for companies who understand the importance of heavily sponsoring open source projects that the world relies on, and who want to ensure that the AlmaLinux project is able to continue to deliver on its promise of long-term stability.
Benefits for this level of membership are broken into three groups
Silver Sponsor Members tend to be startups or companies who are compelled to show their support for AlmaLinux, but don't find that a larger investment meets their needs.
Benefits for this level of membership are broken into two groups
Ruby Sponsor Members are primarily companies that want to be able to support AlmaLinux users' use of secure boot.
Benefits for this level of membership are broken into three groups
The opportunity to have up to 3 kernel modules signed by AlmaLinux, allowing your application to work with secure boot on AlmaLinux servers. Listing on a 'signed kernel modules' documentation page.
Gold Sponsor Members are established companies who believe in the importance of open source and free operating systems, and see the value in AlmaLinux continuing to serve its users.
Benefits for this level of membership are broken into three groups
The opportunity to have up to 3 kernel modules signed by AlmaLinux, allowing your application to work with secure boot on AlmaLinux servers. Listing on a “signed kernel modules” documentation page.
The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is lead by a community elected board of directors who hold regular meetings. Agendas and minutes for those meetings are shared with the public on the AlmaLinux Wiki. The board, once elected, chooses its offices, including the chair of the board. Elections are held as regularly as needed to fill vacancies. The wiki also houses historical details about the election candidates and processes.